Friday, May 21, 2010

Queenstone Amethyst Bracelet



Amethyst: The stone of spirituality and dream recall. Used for contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions. Strengthens and enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. Wear when sleeping or when awake to reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra. Amethyst contains the grounding color of red with the energy of blue, which is expanding, spacious and flow of peace. Amethyst is the color that you see in the sky as twilight transitions into night. Amethyst takes you on this transition from the magic time of dusk to a conscious shift into a different place. Crossing this threshold is the lesson of humility, which Amethyst can teach us. This stone can show us how to let go and trust; surrender so that you may see beyond the cycle that consumes your attention; give it all up, so that you can receive more; and bow, that you may become a part of the greater whole. Amethyst is considered a Master Healing stone.

Cleansing Your Crystals: Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kingstone Queenstone Hematite Round Bead Bracelet




Hematite: This crystal is the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, enhances concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do bookkeeping, detailed work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores equilibrium, stability and is also used for astral protection. It brings our awareness back to the body and helps one maintain their sense of self. Hematite is given to those who need to regroup after jet lag, stress, birth and anesthesia.

Crystal Cleansing: Do not cleanse this stone in water. It can be charged over night in a bowl of quartz, as this will release negative energy and increase its positive energy. Be careful as this stone will retain a "salt blemish" if washed in salt. Crystals react and energize by the light of the moon. The fuller the moon the more energized your crystal becomes. I would recommend your cleansing to be on or near the full moon so that the light can absorb into your crystal.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kingstone Rose Quartz Bracelet

Rose Quartz


(with Clear Quartz Crown)

Rose Quartz: Rose Quartz represents love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the Heart Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it's soothing influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things.

Clear Quartz: is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power, clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear Quartz is considered the "stone of power". A dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily, leaving all the colors of the spectrum unaltered and giving substance to the argument that Clear Quartz crystals can help balance all the elements needed to make us whole and fulfilled. Amplify whatever influences are present in an individual or location. Acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each individual. Will unblock specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting or receiving the flow of energy throughout the body. Helpful in guiding our search for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can be used in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will amplify the effects of individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy of an individual person.

Cleansing Your Crystals Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.

Queenstone Jade Amethyst Bracelet

Jade & Amethyst

(with Amethyst Crown)

Jade: The ancient Chinese culture has revered Jade for centuries. Jade is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone. used also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony. Jade is known as androgynous, therefore it is considered having a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy. Jade is found in different colors and can be used on the appropriate chakra based on its color. Properties common to all colors of Jade include its ability to mellow one's existence. Helps one rid themselves of negative thoughts and energy. Very beneficial to the heart in both physical and spiritual senses. It is a very protective stone and will keep its wearer out of harm's way. Jade bounds us to our earth energies and physical instincts. Jade is a humbling stone.

Amethyst: The stone of spirituality and dream recall. Used for contentment and meditation. Provides common sense and flexibility in decisions. Strengthens and enhances psychic abilities, imagery and mind quieting. Wear when sleeping or when awake to reduce anger, impatience, and nightmares. Most effective on the Brow and Crown Chakra. Amethyst contains the grounding color of red with the energy of blue, which is expanding, spacious and flow of peace. Amethyst is the color that you see in the sky as twilight transitions into night. Amethyst takes you on this transition from the magic time of dusk to a conscious shift into a different place. Crossing this threshold is the lesson of humility, which Amethyst can teach us. This stone can show us how to let go and trust; surrender so that you may see beyond the cycle that consumes your attention; give it all up, so that you can receive more; and bow, that you may become a part of the greater whole. Amethyst is considered a Master Healing stone.

Cleansing Your Crystals. Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Kingstone Queenstone Garnet Bracelet


(with Citritne Crown)

(with Quartz Crown)

Garnet is a useful crystal to have in a crisis. It is particularly helpful in situations where there seems to be no way out or where life has fragmented or is traumatic. It fortifies, activates, and strengthens the survival instinct, bringing courage and hope into seemingly hopeless situations. Crisis is turned into challenge under Garnet's influence. It promotes mutual assistance in times of trouble. Psychologically, Garnet sharpens your perceptions of yourself and other people. It dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that are no longer serving you and bypasses resistance or self-induced unconscious sabotage. Mentally, Garnet helps you let go of useless or old or obsolete ideas. Emotionally Garnet removes inhibitions and taboos. It opens up the heart and bestows self-confidence.

Garnet is a powerfully energizing and regenerating stone. It cleanses and reenergizes the chakras. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate. It is said to be able to warn of approaching danger and was long ago carried as a protective talisman. Garnet is one of the most plentiful stones. It has several forms according to its mineral base, each of which have different properties in addition to the generic attributes. Garnet inspires love and devotion. It balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. Red Garnet in particular stimulates the controlled rise of kundalini energy and aids sexual potency. This is a stone of commitment.

Crystal Cleansing: This stone can be cleansed and discharged of negative energy every month (after the menstrual cycle is complete for women) or at the full or new moon. Cleanse this stone by running it under warm water and charging it over night on a crystal cluster, preferably quartz, in a bowl of tumbled hematite or most beneficial is allowing it to be cleansed by the light of the full moon for 24-48 hours. Garnet can be charged beautifully in the sun for a day.

Citrine: This stone is very versatile and is used for mental and emotional clarity, problem solving, memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence and self-discipline. It reduces anxiety, fear and depression. Citrine is one of two crystals which never have to be cleansed of negative energy. An energizing and highly beneficial crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive. They can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. Increases motivation and Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events. This stone is great with help in achieving goals. Because of its matrix of iron and quartz, it is most effective on the Sacral/Sexual/Navel Chakra, the Solar plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra. The grounding abilities of citrine help to alleviate anxiety, as the more orange encourages creative flow and sexual arousal, where the more yellow citrine has a soothing affect on the digestive system. Citrine energizes every level of the aura, cleansing and balancing the subtle bodies as it aligns it with the physical body. Citrine is the stone of abundance. It teaches us the lessons of achieving wealth and prosperity. Not just on a monetary level, but in all aspects of our lives.

Clear Quartz: is thought to amplify both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power, clarity of thinking, meditation, cleansing, clearing the aura, spiritual development and healing. Clear Quartz is considered the "stone of power". A dedicated healer. Pure white light passes through it easily, leaving all the colors of the spectrum unaltered and giving substance to the argument that Clear Quartz crystals can help balance all the elements needed to make us whole and fulfilled. Amplify whatever influences are present in an individual or location. Acts as a purifier and tunes into the frequency of each individual. Will unblock specific areas or organs blocked from transmitting or receiving the flow of energy throughout the body. Helpful in guiding our search for the meaning and importance of existence. Aids in meditation. Can be used in conjunction with any other stone or gem for specific physical problems. It will amplify the effects of individual stones and attune the treatment to the energy of an individual person.

Queenstone Turquoise Bracelet


(White Turquoise with Blue Turquoise crown)

Turquoise: Turquoise is known as a stone of protection and communication on every level. This stone is one of the oldest and most universal gemstones used by almost every culture on the planet.

Turquoise is a most efficient healer, providing solace for the spirit and well-being for the body. It is a protective stone and has been used for amulets since time immemorial. It is believed to change color to warn of danger of infidelity. Turquoise promotes spiritual attunerment and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual worlds. Place on the third eye, it enhances intuition and meditation. On the throat chakra it releases old vows, inhibitions, and past lives and shows how the creation of your "fate" is ongoing and depends on what you do at each moment.

Turquoise is a purification stone. It dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog, providing protection against pollutants in the environment. It balances and aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies and attunes the physical level to the spiritual. In traditional thought, Turquoise unites the earth and the sky, bringing together male and female energies. This stone is empathetic and balancing. A promoter of self-realization, it assists creative problem-solving and calms the nerves when speaking in public.

Psychologically, Turquoise is a strengthening stone. It dissolves a martyred attitude or self-sabotage. Mentally, Turquoise instills inner calm while remaining alert, and aids creative expression. Emotionally, Turquoise stabilizes mood swings and brings inner calm. It stimulates romantic love.

Physically, Turquoise is an excellent stone for exhaustion, depression or panic attacks. One of its protective functions is against outside influences or pollutants in the atmosphere.

Crystal Cleansing: This stone can be cleansed and discharged of negative energy by running it under luke warm water and charging it in on a crystal cluster, preferably quartz or in a bowl of tumbled hematite or tumbled quartz. Turquoise is sensitive to strong sunlight so it should never be charged in direct sun. Fades in sunlight, sweat, oil, dishwater. Avoid bleach/chlorine!

Kingstone Queenstone Citrine Bracelet




Citrine: This stone is very versatile and is used for mental and emotional clarity, problem solving, memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence and self-discipline. It reduces anxiety, fear and depression. Citrine is one of two crystals which never have to be cleansed of negative energy. An energizing and highly beneficial crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive. They can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. Increases motivation and Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events. This stone is great with help in achieving goals. Because of its matrix of iron and quartz, it is most effective on the Sacral/Sexual/Navel Chakra, the Solar plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra. The grounding abilities of citrine help to alleviate anxiety, as the more orange encourages creative flow and sexual arousal, where the more yellow citrine has a soothing affect on the digestive system. Citrine energizes every level of the aura, cleansing and balancing the subtle bodies as it aligns it with the physical body. Citrine is the stone of abundance. It teaches us the lessons of achieving wealth and prosperity. Not just on a monetary level, but in all aspects of our lives.

Cleansing Your Crystals

Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Kingstone Queenstone Carnelian & Citrine Bracelet

Carnelian & Citrine



Carnelian: Carnelian stone (Burgundy in appearance) represents confidence, boldness, initiative, dramatic abilities, assertiveness and outgoingness. Precision, analysis, stimulates appetite, encourages celebration and brings awareness of feelings. It is the stone of passion and sexuality and is associated with the Sacral/Spleen Chakra. This stone helps you feel anchored and comfortable with your surroundings. Provides a connection to the past or to historical events. Carnelian can improve motivation. Helps one achieve greater success in career or personal matters. Helps ground people who meditate. Carnelian is one of the most helpful crystals for healing trauma, stress and emotional wounds that have accumulated in the etheric body or the Aura and are now manifesting as physical symptoms.

Citrine: Citrine stone (transparent with a yellowish tint) is very versatile and is used for mental and emotional clarity, problem solving, memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence and self-discipline. It reduces anxiety, fear and depression. Citrine is one of two crystals which never have to be cleansed of negative energy. An energizing and highly beneficial crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive. They can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. Increases motivation and Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events. This stone is great with help in achieving goals. Because of its matrix of iron and quartz, it is most effective on the Sacral/Sexual/Navel Chakra, the Solar plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra. The grounding abilities of citrine help to alleviate anxiety, as the more orange encourages creative flow and sexual arousal, where the more yellow citrine has a soothing affect on the digestive system. Citrine energizes every level of the aura, cleansing and balancing the subtle bodies as it aligns it with the physical body. Citrine is the stone of abundance. It teaches us the lessons of achieving wealth and prosperity. Not just on a monetary level, but in all aspects of our lives.

Cleansing Your Crystals: Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.

Kingstone Queenstone Tiger's Eye Bracelet

Tiger's Eye



Tiger's Eye: This stone is most recognized for bringing money, psychic protection, courage, luck confidence, willpower, clear thinking and speaking to show us the personal power in life that we have. Very versatile for the Yellow/Solar Plexus and Crown Chakra. Tiger's Eye works on our mental plane by amplifying thinking and manifesting what you think about. Helps separate thoughts from feelings, more centered, less emotional. Tiger's Eye allows us to recognize both our talents and our faults. It can reveal your true needs without our self-serving or rigid mental attitudes getting in the way. Use Tiger's Eye with malachite or pearl to benefit from their synergy for mental/emotional balance and true understanding. This stone helps change anxiety, fear and obsessiveness into practicality and logic. Has the grounding energy of the earth, but is embellished with a glowing warmth. A stone for people who need more confidence to accomplish their goals. Draws helpful people and material things to the wearer. Centers energy and mental focus. This stone helps us to find our closest version of perfectionism without obsessive behavior.

Crystal Cleansing: This stone should only be worn as jewelry for a few days at a time, as it decreases the flow of energy. When used for healing purposes, this stone should be cleansed under luke warm water then recharged by placing it in the sun as the sun will increase its energy. Crystals react and energize by the light of the moon. The fuller the moon the more energized the crystal becomes. It is recommend cleansing to be on or near the full moon so that the light can absorb into the crystal.

Kingstone Queenstone Onyx Bracelet




Onyx: Balances and grounds. Promotes fidelity. Absorbs and flattens emotional intensity. Androgynous. Excellent for centering/aligning total person with higher powers. Banish grief, enhance self control, wise decision-making, encourages happiness and good fortune. Can be used to provide a "peek" into the future, helps one to follow the path alone, promotes personal strength, understand the reality of the moment, become the master of one's own future. Helps with disorders of soft tissue, bone marrow and the feet. Black: Root Chakra. Grounding. Green: Heart Chakra. Yellow: 3rd Seriousness, logic. Blue: 5th Chakra. Found in Italy, US, and in Mexico. The shapes or patterns that Onyx holds inside it have led some to suggest that Onyx has a picture in it that tells a story or carries a lesson. An Onyx will retain memory of the physical occurrences surrounding a person. A strong stone to use in psychometry because it tells the story of the wearer. A strength-giving stone. A good stone for athletes or people under extreme mental and emotional stress. It brings balance to mind or body as well as strength of mind. Good stone for those who are flighty by nature. A strengthening stone that can help you approach a lesson or task with greater self-confidence. Said to be good for the teeth and bones. It is highly recommended that Onyx be used in conjunction with Pearl and Diamond.

Cleansing Your Crystals: Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.

Kingstone Queenstone Hematite Bracelet




Hematite: This crystal is the most recommended stone for grounding and is associated with the Root Chakra, by encourages ones survival instincts and is centering. Hematite condenses scattered feelings, turns fuzziness into mental clarity, enhances concentration, memory, practicality, helps those who study, do bookkeeping, detailed work and helps with sound sleep. Considered the symbol of life energy, hematite allows for more confidence, will power and boldness. Helps us adjust to being physical. A protective stone and helps bolster low self-esteem. Hematite is known to deflect negativity. It restores equilibrium, stability and is also used for astral protection. It brings our awareness back to the body and helps one maintain their sense of self. Hematite is given to those who need to regroup after jet lag, stress, birth and anesthesia.

Crystal Cleansing: Do not cleanse this stone in water. It can be charged over night in a bowl of quartz, as this will release negative energy and increase its positive energy. Be careful as this stone will retain a "salt blemish" if washed in salt. Crystals react and energize by the light of the moon. The fuller the moon the more energized your crystal becomes. It is recommend cleansing to be on or near the full moon so that the light can absorb into the crystal.

Kingstone Queenstone Picasso Stone Bracelet

Picasso Stone



Picasso Stone is a type of marble which is metamorphosed limestone found in Utah, USA. The unique patterning is due to magma flowing through cracks in the original limestone formation. The name was selected by miners and sculptors due to its likeness to Picasso cubist style paintings. This mineral can assist one in the development of creative talents and in the fulfillment of artistic endeavors. It can be an aid in meditation and in developing intuition. It has been used to assist one in sustaining and maintaining, while providing for the understanding of the destiny one has chosen. This energy facilitates the transformation of intuition into intellectual thought such that one can implement the instructions provided. It assists one to traverse changes, attracting strength and perseverance. It has been know as the master of the subconscious mind, providing intuitive sessions to the user concerning the implementation of inner messages and the utilization of the same in the physical domain. It can help to provide clarity to the inner sight, instilling a passionless peace of imperturbability via the annihilation of disturbing thoughts. It acts to stimulate the circulatory system, to reduce anxiety and stress, and to assist in digestion, regulation, and metabolism. It has also been used in the treatment of carpel tunnel syndrome, cellular and organ toxicity, and to promote weight loss.

Cleansing Your Crystals: Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.

Kingstone Queenstone Onyx Pyrite Bracelet

Onyx & Pyrite



Onyx: Balances and grounds. Promotes fidelity. Absorbs and flattens emotional intensity. Excellent for centering/aligning total person with higher powers. Banish grief, enhance self control, wise decision-making, encourages happiness and good fortune. Can be used to provide a "peek" into the future, helps one to follow the path alone, promotes personal strength, understand the reality of the moment, become the master of one's own future. Helps with disorders of soft tissue, bone marrow and the feet. Black: Root Chakra. Grounding. Green: Heart Chakra. Yellow: 3rd Seriousness, logic. Blue: 5th Chakra. Found in Italy, US, and in Mexico. The shapes or patterns that Onyx holds inside it have led some to suggest that Onyx has a picture in it that tells a story or carries a lesson. An Onyx will retain memory of the physical occurrences surrounding a person. A strong stone to use in psychometry because it tells the story of the wearer. A strength-giving stone. A good stone for athletes or people under extreme mental and emotional stress. It brings balance to mind or body as well as strength of mind. Good stone for those who are flighty by nature. A strengthening stone that can help you approach a lesson or task with greater self-confidence. Said to be good for the teeth and bones. It is highly recommended that Onyx be used in conjunction with Pearl and Diamond.

Pyrite: One of the most grounding stones in use today. Conducting, Energizing, Increases Wealth. Used for focus, practicality, logic, memory, clearing fuzzy thinking. Helps Yellow Chakra: Stomach, intestines, ulcers; sulfur and mineral assimilation, circulation, body acidity imbalances, depression, illusions/lack of clarity about situations/people. Great for grounding spiciness after meditation/psychic readings. Represents Sun's golden energy. A mineralized crystal that forms in clusters of metallic like cubes. Color varies from a bright gold or brass to shades of copper or green. Found in most of North America as well as in Chile and Peru. "Fool's Gold". Beneficial to the respiratory and circulatory systems. Connected to the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to the bloodstream. Helps the skin protect itself from the elements, and also aids the digestive tract, lessening irritation by ingested toxins. The most important gift of Pyrite, though, is its ability to aid mental capacity. Helps to balance creative and intuitive impulses with scientific and practical ones. communication skills can also improve with the help of Pyrite, which eases anxiety and frustration. Strongly suggested for people who tackle large conceptual ideas in business, the arts, or education. Effective in attracting money to its owner. The stimulation of the mind can be enhanced by using Pyrite in conjunction with Fluorite and Calcite.

Cleansing Your Crystals: Crystal cleansing can be done several ways:

*Place it under the light of a full moon/sun for 24 hours.

*Bury it in the earth (make sure you mark it!), for 24 hours.

*Run your crystal under room temperature or luke warm water.